Jesse Glimpse Jesse Glimpse

Step 7 To Selling a Car the Trial Close.

Step number 7 of the car sales process. How to trial close and transport your customer inside after you take them on a test drive. Car salesman tips from Glimpse Media.

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Jesse Glimpse Jesse Glimpse

How To Demonstrate Your Product

Step #6 the test drive. Some sales tips about to get your customers on and sell more cars with a proper test drive or vehicle demonstration.

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Jesse Glimpse Jesse Glimpse

How To Present Your Product

How to present your vehicle by doing a walk around with your customer. Learn more about selling cars with step 5 of the sale process.

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Jesse Glimpse Jesse Glimpse

Basic Phone Up Script

Phone script for people in the car business. How to answer the phone and set an appointment at a car dealership. Car salesman training and tips.

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Jesse Glimpse Jesse Glimpse

Preparation & Meet and Greet

Get in state to meet your customer and step one in the car business, meet and greet. How to greet a customer by Glimpse Media.

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Jesse Glimpse Jesse Glimpse

About This Blog

Learn about our blog that is written for people in the car business to help car salesman sell more cars. Car sales training by Glimpse Media in Washington.

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