About This Blog
A blog for selling cars
Hello everyone, my name is Jesse, and I am the founder of Glimpse Media. Before starting this digital marketing agency, I spent the majority of the last eleven years of my life in the retail automobile sales industry. My time in the car business was primarily in a management position, and I had a decent amount of success early on so I figured I could share with you some of the things I picked up along the way that I feel assisted me in selling more cars than the vast majority of my peers.
The car business can be a very challenging career with many significant ups and downs, or it can be an enjoyable and lucrative one, the choice is ours.
In this blog, I am going to dive into the 10 Steps to the sale that I learned, as well as things such as how to take a phone call, proper goal setting, overcoming objections and more.
Everyone has their way of doing things, everything works, and I would love to get some feedback to make this blog provide the absolute most value it can to its readers.
The ten steps to the sale that I learned are:
Writeup/ Commit
The secret sauce for selling cars
For this first post, I wanted to note a few things before we dive into anything. Although having a plan and asking the right questions to serve our customers better is imperative, we can query all of the questions we could want and say all of the whiz-bang sales stuff we can memorize, but nothing will ever work if we lack a few fundamentals.
Some of those fundamentals are faith in yourself, love for your customers, being an expert in your field, having a positive mindset and being of the mindset that we are in an industry of service, and we are here to create an enjoyable and educational experience for our customers while shopping for their next means of transportation.
The questions you ask and the things you say sole purpose should be to provide customers with a higher level of service, save them time and possibly help those who need it, come to make a buying decision on a vehicle that fits their needs, desires, and budget.
No tricks, lies or scams are of any need to have a successful career in car sales. I have never seen anyone fail faster than those who get into the car business and speak solely about making money and trying to rip people off.
Customers are smart, and they must be treated as such. You can make a difference and choose to be the man or woman who treats customers with such a high level of respect and integrity, while providing them with the highest quality of service that they would never expect from a car dealership; in turn giving yourself the opportunity for happier customers that come back and bring their friends.
Buying a new or pre-owned vehicle should be fun, and it is our job to make it that way.
Have Fun & Make a Friend
A lot of what I will write in this could sound dry on paper if you just read it, keep in mind the delivery of your message and your actual level of customer service is everything. If you are going to take the time to learn, make sure to make things your own, practice, and if you don't already, learn to love your customers, your product, your company and the industry you are in because you cannot sell anyone on anything that you have not already sold yourself on, and that includes yourself.
In the statements and questions in this blog, I will have left out something that should be obvious, and that is - CARE ABOUT YOUR CUSTOMER, find them exciting and ask followup questions about what they are saying, and about their needs and wants. People don't care about how much you know until they know how much you care. For instance, if someone says they are a contractor for a living, it is super awkward and shows how much you don't care if your reply was saying "cool "and then asking them another question.
Never lie, if you don't know something to be of fact don't pretend it is. Also, although much is written in a script type format, you will have to put your spin and creativity into things and some of what I will write in this may not apply to everyone so you will have to modify it to meet what your particular dealerships requirements and offers, as well as your scenario with your customers. This blog is simply a guide of some of the things you could say and a path that will hopefully enable you to provide your customers with a better service.
If you cannot sell yourself on loving your customers and being dedicated to providing them with the absolute best service you can render, a level of customer service far superior to that which they will find elsewhere, sales is not for you.
I genuinely hope that you will find value in this blog. Thank you for reading it.